
3 min read

Sally Baker

How to simplify complex B2B content using animation


My name's Shaun O'Keeffe. I work at Zero Hash in the role of Senior Director of marketing. I lead marketing globally.

As a B2B marketer, I'm constantly evaluating how much engagement we are generating with our content. And what that comprises is, compare and contrast it across all different types of content marketing we produce. And video content, hands down, always produces the best engagement rates.

One of the projects we worked on with Wondrous recently were explainer videos showcasing our API technology and the experience that platforms are able to build using that. Since we've embedded that onto our vertical pages on our website, we've seen an increase in terms of the duration of which people spend looking at the website.

One of the toughest challenges that you have as a B2B marketer is how do you take complex subjects and distill them into something simple? But one of the benefits of working with Wondrous is their ability to take animation on complex subjects and then convey them through illustration and through that animation to make it very easy for the customer that you're targeting to immediately understand, the message makes sense, and it resonates.

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